Monday, December 22, 2008

A little bit of Pennsylvania

We recently got back from a super great week in Pennsylvania to visit Jacob's sister and her family. The road trip was the first of many adventures, and I must say I was proud of our little travelers. They did great on the 11+ hour drive. I think the DVD player, GPS, and mini van had a little something to do with it as well as their sweet laid-back personalities! We arrived to snow that evening, which made it all the more real to be in the north.

We had such a good time that week...seeing their lives in PA...their church, their quaint little town, their friends,their school. I had good quality time with my sweet SIL - we had a girl date - coffee and shopping at Kohl's until almost midnight - call us crazy - while the boys stayed home and perfecting their tennis game on Wii. We ventured into Philly one day to see Independence Hall, the LOVE sign and Reading Terminal. We went to the botanical gardens that had a fabulous light show set up for Christmas. We even had a double date night and left all five children at home - so nice to have a dinner without wiping hands and refilling milk!

It was so nice to spend quality, relaxed time together. It was also great to see Charles and his cousins play together - made me excited to think of all the years ahead with all the grandchildren. It was so fun cooking, napping, and just spending time together before the madness of the holidays. We could not have asked for a better vacation week - thank you Erin and Chris for letting us visit!

The cousins sans Frances playing at Botanical Gardens light show

Yummy, huge, mexican (?) cookie!

What Frances did during most of our travels - sleep

Charles aka Ben Franklin pushing big cousin "V" in stroller

My SIL, BIL and sweet nieces

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Poor Buddy

Isn't this such a sad picture? A few days ago, we were getting ready for Christmas pictures in front of the tree (and I won't mention how many other photos we had already taken), and Charles takes a topple in the chair onto the tree. The second he looked up, he had this black bruise from the chair. I am thankful nothing was broken or his eye was not damaged. And I am thankful this has been the worst injury in his first two fiesty years of life! He cried for a few minutes when it happened, but didn't even speak about it yesterday. We went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got a few looks, but oh well, what can you do? I can't hide him for the next week or two or explain to everyone that he does not need to go to DFACS. At least we got the Christmas picture before the topple! Stay tuned for pics from our fabulous PA trip!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Dentist Visit

Of course I have to document everything including Charles' first visit to the dentist. He did great, and no cavities!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories

Three years ago this Thanksgiving, Jacob and I went to Niger, Africa to visit his parents where they were serving as missionaries. Jacob worked in the hospital along side his dad, while I helped out Jacob's mom with kid's club (Christian play groups) and around the compound. Today, this picture stands out in my mind among all the other pictures we took while we were there. We had visited one of the villages out in the bush, and I saw this little boy. Believe it or not, he was not an orphan. It was just the way he lived, like many other little African children in the villages - severly malnourished, wandering aimlessly around with no supervision probably looking for food. I cannot erase this image from my mind...I don't think God wants me to. We went to Africa and came home to our "regular" life and in three years, we have become more blessed. I wonder what has happened to him in three years. I am thankful for Jesus, for our two precious children, for a warm house, for food on the table, for Jacob's job, for many clothes, for running water, and the list goes on and on. That is just a short list of what we have to celebrate this Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We actually got a few minutes before church to snap some photos - thought this one was adorable. Charles in red, and Frances with her bow. They are so much fun and such a joy...Happy Thanksgiving - I know what I'm thankful for!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Very Special Baptism

This past Sunday, we had Frances baptized at our new church. It was very special for her as it was for us. Baptizing her is an outward symbol of welcoming her into a Christian family and charging us as parents to teach her about Jesus and how he died for us. What a big responsibility we have!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Charles' Bday Pics

Here are some pictures from Charles' birthday party. We had some friends over from the neighborhood to grill out. He loved all the attention plus the cake and ice cream! BTW, Jacob made and iced the cake - isn't he talented?!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

He's Growing Up!

Two years ago today...

One year ago today...

And today...Two Years Old!!!
Where has all the time gone? I cannot believe two years ago we were just welcoming little Charles into the little we knew about babies! And today we are all over it. He has been such a sweet boy - from a sleepy little newborn to an energetic toddler...I cannot imagine not having him in our lives. He has been the perfect fit into our family - sweet, funny, mild-tempered, opinionated, and most importantly, one of the Lord's children - we love you so much Charles, and look forward to many more years to come!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our little lion and lamb

Our sweet little lamb.

Sweet neighborhood friend and her little bunny at the potluck dinner. Our girls are 7 weeks apart. Notice the palm tree leaves in background - we are definitely near the beach!

Ready for the party to begin.

Day School party - not quite sure about the costume!

Halloween was fun this year - Charles dressed up as a big furry lion and Frances as an adorable lamb. There was a neighborhood potluck dinner then trick-or-treating afterwards. We had a good time with dinner then headed home after hitting one house. We figured Charles hasn't quite caught on to the candy thing yet and wanted to be around for trick-or-treaters when they stopped by.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Here are some pics from our first pumpkin carving with Charles. He loves the"pump pump," and loves to point out his eyes, nose, and mouth...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

3 Months

Here is Miss Frances at 3 months. I love the serious expression on her face. She has become such a calm little baby - watch me eat my words! But for the most part, she is just happy with everything - cooing, laughing, starting to pull on toys on her playmat. She loves to pull on blankets and dresses exposing her cute little chunky legs. I can not believe how fast 3 months have flown by!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pump Pump Patch

This past weekend was so nice and relaxing. We started off by going to the pumpkin patch or as Charles calls it the "pump pump patch." We took many naps and watched the UGA game. Here are pics from the pumpkin patch. Charles loved seeing all the orange pumpkins, and Frances slept through most of it except for the last 10 minutes or so.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Babydoll in Training

This is what I found yesterday as I walked past our hall bathroom. Charles is still in the midst of potty training as you can tell. Yes, he has a was a wonderful gift from Grandmother and Grandfather to prepare for Miss Frances' arrival. He loves to change the doll's diapers and give her a bottle. And just yesterday he put her on the play mat right beside Frances. And don't worry - his favorite toys are cars, trucks and trains. Jacob is happy about that!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Goodbye Volvie

Yes, it's time to say goodbye to "Volvie." With 210,000 miles, she has served us well through medical school, residency and beginning of fellowship. We had to say our final words when she was continuously shaking to and from Jacob's work - was she afraid of the VA? Was she just tired of working long days and nights? Was she scared of the bridge leading into downtown Charleston? We'll never know, but we thought it was time to let her rest in peace. We loved her and will certainly miss her...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 Months

Here is a picture of Frances at two months. She is growing like a weed - all 12 pounds of her! We went to the doctor on Monday to get a round of shots. I thought I would be used to it by now with Charles having gone through his first year of vaccinations, but it's never easy seeing your children cry. He said she is very healthy and keep doing what I'm far as feeding goes! She is so sweet and had her first giggle last week. Yesterday, Charles was laughing at something and she started smiling every time he laughed. So sweet.

Friday, October 3, 2008

This week in pictures

Thought I'd post a few pictures to show you what we have been up to...not a whole lot, and it is wonderful. The first few weeks in September were crazy with the end of summer and starting "school," bible study, etc. Now it has slowed down and our new routine has begun. We usually have three days a week where we are out and about and the other two, we just enjoy our outside play time and neighborhood. Charles is becoming more and more independent and in need or getting his "wiggles" out, and Frances is still so mobile and sleeps everywhere she goes.

The first picture is a day at the aquarium downtown. He is in the interactive room that resembles a campsite with a little topsy-turvy bridge to walk across - I think that was his favorite part. Every time we go, Charles enjoys it more and more. The second picture is him after a nice little haircut - and I love to be able to put his cute little longalls that I bought last year at half price...can't put him in those much longer - or so Jacob says!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Could not resist. How cute is that bow in Miss Frances' hair?!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Day Of School

Jacob and I went back and forth on whether or not to put Charles in "school." We found a happy medium and put him in one day a week. Great time for Charles to burn off some energy, have time without sister and gives mommy time to run errands and have time with just one babe. He loves it - I told him that we had school that morning, and he ran and got his backpack. I loved this picture with his foot propped up - too cute! The school is great - church right by our house with sweet teachers and kids.

Monday, September 15, 2008

First Smiles and Life...

Oh, the first smiles of a newborn. After five weeks of not much feedback besides crying, we were able to see Frances' first signs of happiness. She is also cooing, one of my favorite sounds - I forgot how much fun all these "firsts" are. It has made me realize that soon she will be walking and talking just like Charles. It has made me excited to think of a little girl, not just a baby - ballet, tea parties, our sweet girl time. She has grown so much over the past few weeks. At her three week checkup which was almost a month ago, she was 10 pounds and the 95th percentile! Needless to say, she is a healthy chubby little baby. She is still quite the sleeper. Staying awake an hour at a time to feed and look around and then snoozing the rest of the time with a mix of crying and smiling in between. She seems to take notice of her big brother - hard not to when he is always in her face kissing and talking about the "baby." She had her pediatric cardiologist appointment to check on her PAC's/PVC's last week. After an EKG, echo, and having to wear a monitor for 24 hours, it appears they have self-corrected.

Days for me are good. Learning how to juggle two - we have gone to the aquarium just the three of us, I was quite proud of myself. I started a mother's bible study at our church - I'm really excited to be studying Ruth and Esther this year and to make new friends. Our little family went to the beach this past weekend. A tad bit more involved with two, but Charles had a great time dancing on the sand, and Frances took in all the new sights and sounds.

Charles is talking more and more each day - everything from "goose" to "Go Dawgs!" He started a MDO program one day a week yesterday - I'll post pictures soon. They said he was an angel, which always makes a mom feel good. He favorites are still reading and playing outside. He and Jacob have this special bond which has really come out since Frances has been born. He is definitely becoming more independent. He has to do everything on his own including feeding himself and climbing in the car seat.

Jacob's job is great. Call is about every week or so, and he is still in the echo lab. He is really enjoying his coworkers/fellows and learning a ton. He keeps talking about wanting to buy a boat - we'll see how that works out! He was even able to go to the UGA game last weekend to see them beat the Gamecocks and spend time with his brother.

Well, that is our life in a nutshell...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Potty Post

He has tinkled three times in the potty - Go Charles! This picture is a look of "not another pic, mom."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tinkle Tinkle Little Star

It seems like I'm not a true mommy blogger until I "potty post," so I wanted to put in a quick blurb about Charles' first potty experience. Last week I was taking a shower (unfortunately not alone as I have this cute little shadow), and while I was there I decided that we would take advantage of the time. So I stripped him down sans diaper and started talking about the potty, tinkling, pooping, etc. Charles got this look in his eye and this stance like "I'm about to tinkle," so I told him to sit on the potty...sure enough he tinkled! I know we are far from being officially "potty trained," but it was such an exciting moment in our day. He was so proud of himself and I was too. If anyone has any success methods, please fill me in. I'm ready to get this show on the road!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Days

Jacob studying for Boards and holding Baby Frances.

A day in the life of Charles (playing outside with sidewalk chalk and his Cozy Coupe).

I stole this idea from a friend. I'm taking a picture of Frances next to the lamb every month to show how much she is growing her first year. So this is her after one month in the real world. Charles of course had to be in the picture!

Charles getting ready for church with his backpack.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What were we thinking?

Or what were we not thinking is a better way to put it. Jacob and I decided it was a good idea to get back in the saddle and head to church just three weeks after sweet Frances is born. We are pros at this newborn thing, right? And life goes on after baby especially when there is a big brother running around stir crazy in the house. We've gotten Charles and the baby out - been walking, out to dinner, the grocery store. But we didn't think things through when we went to our new church this past Sunday. Frances was protected against the germs of the world in my little sprout pouch, but Charles in the nursery was not. We were there all of 30 minutes - we didn't want to push it so we skipped out after the sermon. Three days later, Charles has a lovely runny nose. Yes, I tried to protect Frances against the big brother who loves on her and kisses her constantly, but easier said than done. So the next day Frances and I both come down with the same cold and Jacob follows a day after that. Thankfully, Frances is doing much better today so she's nursing much better. And we are doing better this weekend. Guess we've learned our lesson - settle back into the real world slowly and with caution.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Saturday Outing

Three generations of the male Townsends

Yummy lemonade

Trying on Aunt Miriam's shades

We went on our first family outing with Miss Frances and Charles this past Saturday to the Charleston Farmers Market. It is supposedly the fifth best farmers markets in the nation. We didn't stay long, but got to view what they have to offer so we can go back soon. Frances stayed asleep in her "sprout pouch" the entire time and Charles enjoyed people and dog watching. It was also fun to watch Charles share the backseat with his new baby sister. He would just stare at her and say "baby, baby."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Savor every moment

Currently I am holding sweet, sleeping Frances in my arms until the next feeding. I remember waiting for each new phase to begin with Charles - when will he crawl, when will he walk? But looking back at how fast he grows, I want to savor every moment with Frances - I just love this newborn phase. Holding her and guessing what her personality will be like. So far, she is still in that sleepy phase. She has been a great sleeper at night thus far and also a great nurser - she loves her milk! And I don't have time to get tired with Mr. Charles around so any quiet time with her is great.

Charles is still doing great with the "baby." Last week he was at his grandparents' house in Augusta. I missed him so much - it was too quiet around here, but he had a blast on his mini-vacation. He continues to kiss and love on her. He has learned to keep himself content while I nurse and has really started talking up a storm. So for the moment, we are just enjoying every day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Doughnut Day

Jacob has started taking Charles to Krispy Kreme on Saturday mornings for a little Father-Son bonding time. He is definitely a fan of the doughnuts and of his Daddy!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Here are a few close-up shots of Frances' first few days. The first one is of Charles loving on her and the second is how she spends of a majority of her day right now. It is so sweet how much Charles is fascinated with this new little baby. He wakes up saying, "Baby!" He gives her multiple kisses throughout the day and he loves to give her a pacifier. I am so proud/amazed with him and seeing him in his big brother role. Let's hope this lasts a while!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Our Newest Addition

Frances McGlasson was born at Wednesday, July 30th at 11:23 am. She weighed 7lbs 15oz and 20.5inches long. Labor was great and fast. We came home after 24hrs, and it is nice to be back as one family. She is feeding well and like a newborn likes to sleep during the day and give us a little excitement at night! So far she has avoided trauma from an excited and passionate brother who likes to reposition her head if he can't get good access for a kiss. Charles has done remarkably well with the transition and likes to bring her pacifier to her and point out that she has two eyes, ears, lips, cheeks, etc. We will update more later.