Friday, February 11, 2011

To Grandmother's House We Go

This past weekend, I loaded up the kiddos to head to Grandmother and Grandfather's house while Jacob was on his annual cardiology ski trip {their motto: work hard, play hard}.  We had a ball in such a quick little visit - breaking geodes, visiting the Columbia Zoo, planting flowers, roasting marshmallows, star gazing and moon watching.  And we even fit in a fun girl's dinner out, while Charles and Grandfather had boy time with legos and books (little Frances was none the wiser snuggled up in her bed).  This weekend is just what we needed.

Plenty of time outside by the fire

And running around in our pj's {I love his cute little upright posture}

Frances trying to keep up

Planting flowers

 We got to enjoy Hannabelle part of the weekend too

Reading about where Aunt Julianna and Uncle Mark live

Next, breaking geodes, one of GF's past hobbies

How neat

 Passing of the geodes, so sweet

Now, it's F's turn

A little picture posing, with matching hair clips

 Next stop, the zoo!

Showing the elephants his elephant, Elvis

Maybe this will get their attention

A little posing with baby elephant

Where should we go next?

A giraffe feeding sounds good {this was their favorite}

 Frances thought it was hilarious

 So did Charles

Silly giraffe

Now time to feed Hannabelle

 Frances is always looking up to her big brother

 Loving their new lunchboxes, thank you GM

 More posing with babies

 A word with Grandfather before heading out

 Saying good-bye to Grandmother

Thank you for a wonderful and memorable weekend!


Nicole said...

Those are awesome pictures - it looks like you guys had so much fun!!!

Mark and Julianna said...

OH I MISS YOU GUYS!!! Charles looks so BIG now, and I love that haircut. I love those pictures of Frances cracking up with her little sweater on! Especially with the hood up. Now I want to see pictures of their Mama's cute baby bump, please.