Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Year Ago Today...

Here are some pictures from a year ago - I cannot believe we have only known little Frances for only one short year. She is such a sweetie - SO easy going, always smiling, laid back, loves her big brother and anything he is doing, and loves her sleep. I could not have asked for anything better. We had her little bday party last weekend (which I will post later), and she got her first real doll. That's when it hit me that she is a little girl, not just a baby! I cannot wait to see what type of woman she grows up to be.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sweet Company

A little late on the posting...having a hard time sitting down at the computer and waiting for pictures to upload this summer! But alas, here are some pictures from a visit from my sweet Birmingham friend, Karen and her two boys during June. She is one of those "soul friends" - we have meaningful conversations and totally get each other and will remain that way no matter the distance. We met when we were both meager tax accountants at WAKM burning the midnight oil. We both became pregnant around the same time with our first boys and then our second children within 6 month of each other. I miss her so much since we have moved from Bham, but we enjoyed the short time we had together here.

Ryan and Charles are only 5 weeks apart - they are so much into the same things - cars, trains, anything with wheels. And her little boy Jacob, is close to Frances in age. It was so great to meet him for the first time. We enjoyed some sights around town - the beach and the battery downtown. And then some "quiet" days at home baking, making Father's Day cards, watching the dump truck outside, and just enjoying each other's company.

Jacob was oh so kind to keep the children two nights while we went downtown for a glass of wine or two (the first time I've been to a bar since we've moved to Charleston)! He is such a sweet husband - thank you! It was nice to have uninterrupted adult conversation and just catch up on one another's lives. All in all, it was a wonderful week - thank you Karen for making the time and effort to come visit us!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Here is a picture of how most of our days are spent - in the water! Some sweet neighbors told us we could use their pool anytime, so we have definitely taken full advantage. They conveniently live just three houses down, and it's nice to tire these little ones out for nap time. Charles has grown to absolutely love the water of any kind - pool, beach, bath. Frances, of course, is along for the the ride - she just loves to float around and watch the action!