Sunday, April 3, 2011

23 and 25

Here are of the most recent prego pics of me - weeks 23 and 25.  I always feel dresses make me look bigger than I really am {or is it really the camera doesn't lie}.  Actually, I really don't care if I look big.  I just care about a healthy baby growing inside me and so thankful for he/she on the way.  I feel really good right now.  I feel pretty cute in my second trimester, have more energy than ever, and I'm nesting away.  Most strangers comment on how cute the kiddos are, and then they spot my belly and give this look of wow, you have a lot going on or you are a crazy woman, don't you know about birth control or what are you thinking?.   But I do get some looks them remembering what it was like when they had a house full of children or excitement of another baby entering the world.

Jacob is at a conference in NOLA for the next few days, and then he and I will take a babymoon to NYC for the remainder of the week.  Can I tell you how excited I am about this?!  Jacob and I haven't had an trip alone together since BC {before Charles}, unless you count a two-night stay in NOLA while he was at a conference or another two-night stay while he was interviewing for a job in Pawley's Island.  Jacob's parents generously offered to take care of the kids, and we can hardly contain ourselves.  But I digress, back to the pregnancy.  Here are the latest pictures.  I will try to post our recent annual trip to SOWEGA and then NYC when we get back.

 23 Weeks

 25 Weeks


Megan Shirley said...

Beautiful Stacy! Enjoy it! (The pregnancy and your babymoon!)

Sara Blackburn White said...

You look darling! WOO HOO FOR babymoon! Have sooo much fun:)

Suzanne said...

Look at how pretty you are! Jealous! Love the dress, and seeing you in color..jk:) Can't wait to see that cute bump in person, and hear all about your trip. Watch out NY!

Amy said...

you look so cute! L.O.V.E. those dresses!!!!