Monday, July 12, 2010


I am on a mission to organize and clean up my 14,000 photos (all taken since we turned digital at the end of 2003).  I just transferred from our old computer to our new wonderful Mac.  I thought these two were especially cute to share today.  They are in no way related, but the first is one from a recent visit with my dad.  They were looking at his computer photos after breakfast.  The second is one I took after Mr C was asleep.  It's how we find him almost every night - bed full of cars and books. 

1 comment:

Sara Blackburn White said...

I love these pics!! You can just see the love and excitement in pic one and pic two is toooooo precious! Jackie does the same thing and the list of items is getting larger. We have added a flashlight, firetruck, large stuffed pony and all the cars. It makes me think he is getting prepared just incase;) ha!!