Thursday, January 28, 2010

Penguin Alert!

Excuse me for interrupting the "Be a Tourist" series, but I wanted to share what little furry creature visited Charles' school yesterday - a penguin!  One of Charles' classmate's father works at the SC Aquarium, and he brought over the cutest penguin for the children to see.  He was so furry and soft - his name is Granddad, being all of 17 years old.  He is a Magellanic Penguin, which is from South America and grows to be about 8 1/2 pounds.  The children loved watching him eat fish and petting him using the "two finger" rule.   Frances cried when they brought him out, but warmed up to him as he waddled about.  Charles, however, was amazed with Granddad.




amy said...

Granddad is so precious!!!

Sara Blackburn White said...

OMG! how cool is that! What a treat!