Saturday, December 5, 2009

We Are 3!

We had a small birthday party at our house this year for Charles' 3rd brithday.  He had a blast and actually knew what was going on - friends, family, cake, presents.  He loved playing with his friends and blowing out the candles.  He was 95% in both weight and height at his 3 year checkup, so I would say he is quite a big boy.  He still loves to read, he loves riding his new bike every day, and he loves playing with his sister.  Here are some pictures - enjoy.

 Getting ready for the par-tay!

 Awesome banner my friend, Elisabeth, made - isn't she talented?

 GM and Charles

 Look at the car cake Jacob made - he refined his culinary skills in Africa.


 Frances got a present too

THE boy with THE bike


 Inspecting Charles' new horn

 Bday cookies at school - Frances was able to join the 3 year olds

Posing for the camera

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