Here is a picture of Frances eating, sort of. After putting off baby food/rice cereal as long as possible, we got to the 6 month mark and was urged by the pediatrician to start the food. Yes, it's fun to see the first bite and be in the finger food stage, but I would love to skip the whole mushy food stage. So far, she is not fond of any baby food (granted we've only tried squash, green beans and carrots), or the rice cereal. Even though it was just 20 months or so ago that we went through this with Charles, I cannot remember how long it took him to enjoy his new food. Another dilemma that is quite larger is that I cannot get her on a bottle. She took one a while back, but now refuses any bottle of many sorts (Dr. Brown, Playtex, Avent). Please, please...any suggestions?!!?!
p.s. - thank you Christine for the cute bib!
I wish I had some advise but both of my girls were on formula and ate everything in sight! Hang in there, she'll turn the corner soon.
When Emma started refusing a bottle, we tried a Soothie got us over the strike.
Claire was the same way about food. It just took a little while longer and eventually she caught on although she was never a huge fan of baby food. Just try to get her to take some cereal for the iron and don't worry about the other stuff. I was all stressed about Claire and someone told me just wait until she starts grabbing food off your plate - that means she's ready to eat. And so it was.
My other child refused a bottle but that was more my fault because I think he has had about 20 in his whole life. I just found it SO much easier to nurse that I didn't realize how much time was going by between bottles. I think if you don't start by 5 weeks and stay pretty consistent with it they just prefer Momma. Have you thought about just introducing a cup? Try to get her to sip from a regular cup or try the soft straw cups. I have started the cup at 6 months with both of mine and weaning straight from breast to cup. Good luck! She is darling!
Bo did the same thing when trying to introduce bottles...we did the playtex dropins with the latex nipples and he used them until he stopped taking bottles. The downside to latex is--can't put in dishwasher--but i was willing to do anything to get him to take a bottle. Hope it helps! Good luck!
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