Sunday, April 27, 2008


This past weekend Jacob and I were able to get away a few days to spend some time together in New Orleans. He had conference there for past and present internal medicine chiefs. Basically, they put us up in this swanky hotel and fed us delicious food all weekend - who could say no to that?! We slept in a few days, strolled around downtown New Orleans, and visited with old friends. Did I mention there was a pirate convention there too? It was so nice to get away from the the stress of selling and buying houses and to get excited about all the new adventures we are about to have. We left Charles with Nana and her friend from Thursday to Sunday - super hard to leave him, but quickly realized how much Jacob and I needed this alone time as well as Charles having this bonding time with his grandmother. Thank you mom so much for taking care of him! Not really sure when our next vacation get away will be with the addition of a baby girl soon, so it was greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Shanan & Shannon said...

what a great trip for ya'll to get away and have some fun together. Great timing! I can't wait to hear about your house hunting adventures in Charleston. Keep us posted!