Monday, March 29, 2010

Bridge Run

After living here 1 1/2 years, I finally ran my first Bridge Run.  It definitely makes you proud to live in Charleston to see 38,000 people come to run across the Ravenel Bridge (which is at least one mile uphill).  It was a 10k, I ran it in exactly 55 minutes - so that is a hair under 9 minute per mile.  I was pretty pleased with the results considering the last 6.2 mile race I ran was B.C. (Before Charles) AND I was running on a gimpy toe that I broke a few weeks ago. 

Here are a few pictures - Miriam, Jacob's sister joined me and did an amazing job - she ran it in 47 minutes.   Jacob, C, F, and Julianna (another of Jacob's sisters) welcomed us at the finish line.  Jules had just gotten off the night shift so we were so excited to see her sweet face!


Sara Blackburn White said...

WOW! How exciting and that is really good time if you ask me. I am trying to get back into running... I just keep getting shin splints-so im thinking the 2 weeks I have taken off might help me in that dept-ha! Great job!!

Shanan & Shannon said...

I can't believe we both ran it and didn't know. We ran at a minute slower pace and enjoyed our "fun run" with my brother and one of his high school friends. We talked the whole way and had a great time. It was freezing after the race and we didn't stay in the park long. We had breakfast with Stew and then headed straight home since Mace was sick. I can't believe J ran it in 47 minutes. Wow - that's a lot of weaving. If I were staying here, I'd keep running the was SO FUN. Congrats on a great time!

amy said...

you are awesome.