Thursday, April 14, 2011

Upward Soccer

This is C's first year playing an organized sport - and he {we} chose soccer - Upward Soccer to be exact.  It's a great Christian sports program for children that I just heard about a year or so ago.  They aren't so focused on the winning/losing aspect, which at this age I think is a good thing.  There is plenty of time for that later.  They concentrate on good sportsmanship, healthy competition, and skill building.  And an added bonus, at every practice they have a little devotion time with scripture memory verses led by their coach.

These pictures are from his first soccer practice.  He definitely doesn't have the whole concept of the game yet, but he is learning little bits week by week.  Don't worry, his actual soccer game pics will be following soon.

The warm-up

On the sidelines

Devotion time

Not happy about Miss F getting the last yogurt covered raisins

Love this face

My sweet Charles

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Great pics!! And what a great organization - I have never heard of that (hmm, wonder if they have it in Dillon, SC...haha)!

Miss you guys!!