Monday, January 11, 2010

Festival of Lights - SC Style

I'm backing up a bit, and wanted to share a little of December with you.  We went to the grand Festival of Lights on James Island.  It has over 3 million lights displayed all around the county park - as Jacob says, "a redneck's paradise."  The kids absolutely loved riding around and looking at all the lights - they have every kind of light display you could imagine - everything from marching soldiers to the Ravanel Bridge to Santa playing golf.  You could hop out of the car line and roast marshmellows, have story time, sip on some hot chocolate, and take a train ride.  We had so much fun...especially with our Aunt Julianna going with us - she just moved to Charleston and have loved every minute of her being here.

Getting ready for the train ride

Aunt Julianna and Frances

They spotted a dog!

The fabulous train

Keeping warm

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